martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Please, don´t leave

Do not go.
Do not leave me alone
Because I have no where to go.
When you go and live life
When you go around the world dreaming
When you get lost and forget that I exist
When quench your desire in another skin
Im still here
With my arms tired
With the heart broken
With the legs spread
Always here.... empty
And although I love you no more
Even so, Im still here

4 comentarios:

zahory dijo...



Stop waiting, let someone see ...
stop using the mask ... leave to cover the beautiful person you are
because they can never see yourself as you want,, you never find if you don't let them,
Remember that the relationship more beautiful is when the two fail to demonstrate the capacity is in each one of them, simply because when you're with that person
there is nothing to prove ....

ME GUSTA !!!! pero lo siento muy triste :( ...espero encontrar uno diferente la proxima vez =P
ah !!! te dire k aveces en los cuentos no hay principe pero SI UNA GRAN REYNA !!!! TE KIERO ...
forever my BEST FRIEND !!!!

Anónimo dijo...

Hi beautiful¡¡
I miss you so much... and love you more haha... You know who i am, right?

jugotime dijo...

¿Qué pedo?
With your legs spread? WTF?

Me recordaste un díalogo de Penélope Cruz en una película de la cual no recuerdo el nombre y la cual tampoco debo haber visto completa, pero usaba tus mismas palabras...
